The 5 minute guide to Analyzing Meme coins on Solana

Hector D (@Cryptocomix)
3 min readMar 22, 2024

Stop losing money and choosing bad meme coins.

Learn to analyze.

First we must see what a bad coin looks like.

These are the basic red flags. If you see 2 out of 3 of these, you’re going to risk money for no reason.

we are using photon to analyze our tokens.

Next we can observe this meme coin is unoriginal, ultimately will be forgetable in 1 hour as dozens more come up.

Has no social media, so there is no plans for growth or new money coming in.

And worst of all NO liquidity. But having low liquidity is just as bad. Anything under $10,000 liquidity is very risky. try to stay with projects above $20,000 in liquidity.

Why is it risky? If the project has low liquidity, that means one single person can sell a large amount and cause a price shock and spiral downwards.

Then because this is a shitcoin, everyone gets scared and also dumps their bags. Remember: crypto is PvP — its a single player game, you versus the internet. Fight to keep your money and profits.

the avg meme investor will panic.

Ok. so now we can identify shitty projects.

Let’s find good ones.

First we set our filters up on Photon.

go to the “new pairs” tab and copy my settings or adjust to your liking.

sticking to proj at least 20k liquidty

NOW: There is gonna be a lot of coins you wanna analyze. The best thing to do here is get practice and become familiar with chart movement and volume orders.

Some coins are only worth holding for LITERALLY 28 SECONDS .

In those cases you take your money as soon as its in profit and never look back.

the chances you find a 1000x the first time you’re hunting is impossible.

just take the money when its green and onto the next hunt.

it takes a lot of practice to get good.

I suggest you start small and gamble little amounts just to become familiar with the patterns. remeber to take profits. fuck long term thinking. fuck crypto, fuck the community — this is your money, if you dont take it — the market will take it from you.

Another red flag flag is NO twitter activity especially during the first hour of launch.

Thats pretty much it. and To be honest this takes practice, you cant read about trading you need to just do it.

Use my photon referral link to qualify for the future airdrop

Telegram community here and twitter

