What is EigenLayer and Is it Better than Staking ETH?

Hector D (@Cryptocomix)
5 min readMay 22, 2024

EigenLayer is a protocol on Ethereum that lets users earn rewards in a different way by staking their ETH. Normally, staked ETH helps secure the Ethereum network. EigenLayer lets you use your staked ETH to also secure other dapps, potentially making the network more secure, encouraging more innovation for dapps and making liquidity bootstrapping much easier.

Why it’s useful:
Right now, securing applications like games or marketplaces requires each application to create its own security system and raise initial liquidity from users — which is expensive, time-consuming and not always the best long term plan (think yield farming ponzi’s).

A typical way to attract initial liqudity is through farming tokens, early users are rewarded the most.

EigenLayer is like a “security sharing service” for Ethereum. It allows users who have already staked ETH (which helps secure the Ethereum network) to also use that staked ETH to secure other applications.

How it Works:

  1. Opt-in System: Users who stake ETH can choose to participate in EigenLayer.
  2. Repurposing Staked ETH: EigenLayer takes your already staked ETH and “restakes” it to secure other applications, thus compounding returns.
  3. Enforcement: EigenLayer adds extra slashing conditions for validators to ensure staked ETH is used honestly.
  4. Benefits: This system allows applications to get security faster and cheaper, while users potentially earn additional rewards.
your money makes money, then we make money on our monies making money for other people to make monies.

Overall: EigenLayer helps make Ethereum more secure and efficient for everyone.

How Eigen Layer Rents Out Security

Imagine a world where Ethereum security is like having a bunch of guards protecting your house. And in this world, each new fancy gadget you buy (like a new macbook) needs its own separate guard. This is expensive and not very efficient.

eth on mainnet with the best security

EigenLayer is like a company that lets you rent out your existing house guards (staked ETH) to also protect your new gadgets (other applications). Here’s how it makes things better:

  • Cheaper Security: Instead of hiring new guards for each gadget, you can rent out your existing ones to different things, making security cheaper for everyone.
  • Stronger Together: By having all the guards work together, it’s harder for someone to break in (attack the network).
  • More Rewards for Guards: Guards can earn extra money by protecting more things, not just your house.
  • More Gadgets, More Fun: With cheaper security, people can build more cool gadgets (applications) on the network.

So, EigenLayer is like a sharing service for security guards in the Ethereum world. It makes things cheaper, stronger, and lets more people build cool stuff.

Eigen Layer Makes Exploits Reaaally difficult.

Now imagine you’re the security guard for Ethereum (staking ETH). If you mess up and show up late (malicious activity), you might get fired and lose half your paycheck (50% slash on staked ETH).

EigenLayer is like a stricter security company. They can also take away the rest of your paycheck (remaining 50% staked on EigenLayer) if you do something wrong. This makes it a lot more expensive for bad actors to attack the network because they lose more money.

Here’s why it works:

  • More Guards, Less Loot: Think of staked ETH as security guards protecting the network. EigenLayer groups up these guards, making it harder to attack any one application (like a vault in the bank).
  • Stronger Together: Combining security pools makes attacking the network more expensive for attackers.
  • Double Whammy: If you’re caught attacking Ethereum itself, you lose half your “stolen money” (staked ETH). EigenLayer adds another layer of security. If you attack something protected by EigenLayer, you lose the rest of your “stolen money” too! This is like the bank having a hidden booby trap beneath your getaway car (the remaining staked ETH).

So, attacking EigenLayer is like trying to rob a bank with double security and a hidden vault. It becomes too risky for most bad actors because the potential losses are too high compared to the possible gains.

  • Reputation Matters: In the crypto world, reputation is important. If someone is known for attacking EigenLayer, they might not be trusted to be a security guard (validator) anymore. This hurts their ability to earn rewards in the future.

Essentially, EigenLayer makes very not worthwhile to be a malicious actor in the network.

How Eigen Layer Could be Attacked

Exploits are always possible no matter how secure something may seem, after all this is the unregulated financial internet.

Here are attack vectors possible on Eigen:

  1. Gangs of Validators: Imagine the security guards (validators) work together to rob the system (attack the middleware). EigenLayer needs to be careful about this happening.
  2. Hidden Weaknesses: Some applications built on EigenLayer might have hidden security flaws. This could lead to innocent security guards (validators) getting punished (slashed).
  3. Balancing Act: EigenLayer relies on a system to distribute security guards efficiently. If this system malfunctions, the whole thing could be vulnerable to attacks. It’s like having a faulty electrical alarm system at the bank.
Eigen Layer already ranks #2 in TVL for all protocols, a prime target for attacks.

These are some of the challenges EigenLayer needs to address to make sure it’s secure.


Restaking with EigenLayer has the potential to:

  • Improve Security: By combining security resources, the network becomes more efficient and resistant to attacks.
  • Boost Innovation: Developers can focus on building cool applications instead of worrying about security.
  • Increase Value for Users: Users can earn rewards on their staked ETH while it’s used for various applications.

Here’s a breakdown for different groups:

  • Developers: Spend less time on security and sourcing TVL and more time building innovative applications.
  • End Users: Earn more rewards on their staked ETH without needing to actively manage it.

However, there are still some risks to consider:

  • Security of Applications: Applications built on EigenLayer might have hidden weaknesses that could impact users.
  • EigenLayer System Issues: Malfunctions in EigenLayer’s internal systems could leave the network vulnerable.
  • User Risk: While EigenLayer simplifies things, users opting in are still exposed to potential slashing penalties.

Overall, EigenLayer offers a promising approach to improve security and efficiency in the Ethereum ecosystem. It benefits developers, users, and the network itself. But it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved.

If you want to get in touch find me on twitter at cryptocomix1

